Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sudden Bleeding After Regular Cycle


In the early decades of the twentieth century, Joana Carneiro Maia, who lived nela Majorlandia village, in the layer of Ceara, on top of a cliff (cliffs Brazilian composed of several layers of clay, silica, which assumes different shades of color due to different amounts of oxides present in the land), decorated glass bottles with different colors of clay, obtained by scraping the walls of the cliff.

If, on the simple principle created layers of sand, gradually explore the use of small tools with which intentionally changed the movement of the sand. Using a stick of coconut palm and a funnel, the decorations made more complex shapes and geometric effects.

Legend has it that one day, while he was working, fell out of a bottle. Collecting apprave a landscape. The idea was born: to create the sand figures and landscapes, it was enough to deepen the technical and add a bit 'of talent. In the '70s, even Toinho Carneiro, son of Joan, devoted to the compositions of sand, he studies and creates new and more complete these landscapes: boats, houses, birds, palm trees.

accessible creations arouse, for their uniqueness and beauty, curiosity and admiration. The art spread throughout the north east of Brazil and North Africa, where is the massive presence of the desert sand from which to draw. In Italy, and more generally in Europe, the technique is not yet widespread.

The sand from the natural color is often treated with artificial colors, which only provide a very wide range of colors. It is also ground in order to obtain the desired particle size. Compositional style retains a naive nature and a preference for the landscapes and tropical animals.


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