Sunday, September 26, 2010

Error 1311 Command Conquer 3 Comment Faire

At the start of the Championship season 2009-2010 Excellence UISP

The Football League UISP of Venice, has published a list of the 14 participating teams in the league of Excellence UISP province and the timetable. Among the curiosities is to report back after several years of derby with the cousins \u200b\u200bof the " Scorzè 2002" (in the derby a few years ago - click to enlarge) and the birth of a new team : Amateurs Lupia Country / Campolongo Maggiore. Finally, we indicate below the list of races in the first round of the Blues:

DoC Midas - Lisa
Scorzè Group 2002 - DoC DoC
Midas Midas - Green Team Mogliano
Lughetto - DoC DoC
Midas Midas - Am S. Bertilla
Am Calcroci - DoC DoC
Midas Midas - Football Straelle
Cral Venice Casino - DDC Midas
S. Bastian-Midas
DoC DoC Midas - Am Lupia Country / Campolongo
Spinea / Asseggiano-DoC
Prozzolo Jolly Midas - Midas
DoC DoC Midas - Alessandro S


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