Friday, September 10, 2010

York Mulberry Outlet Store

Feels scent of the season ...

Hello everyone.

I recently published in these summer months, but frankly, I'd also need a bit 'of "detox" after a year biliardistica rather long and demanding. But they are not left idle working hard on the new website (coming very soon ...) and a very interesting project (of which I had already talked a long time ago ...) that "celebrating" the fortieth anniversary of the championship next season biliardistico Bologna (the first championship was played in season 1971/72) . About this latest initiative is looking for images that relate to the pool: of any kind, any year ... teams, players, awards. I ask the courtesy of leafing in the drawers and if you have it please contact me (find a way to let me have and then return them as soon as I scanned uncut) and / or let me have e-mail (if you can turn them into a JPG format). I hope you will give me a hand.

Feels scent of the season, the bars begin to crowd of players who begin to "preparing" ... We are told the news of the summer and we see things we had never seen before in our old friends ... (As you can see in the picture alongside hihihihi). The recurring question is: we get all of the first sample "BALL"?? Mah .. we'll see ...

As you know they are being carried out the first few races, "pre-season ... I will give you feedback as soon as possible.
Good bowling to all!


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