Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cheats On Pokemon Leaf Green Version Pc Vba

Today Jade is the birthday of my little great little woman you think about it ... 16 years already spent so much time
but I certainly forget the good times he gave me from pregnancy until now
thanks Jade you're a smart girl, tenacious and very sensitive, I love you or as you say ... tvb
what could be the gift, if not something inherent in the rink, would spend hours with skates trying to figure a trip ... a top .... So what could be better than a new aluminum truck wheels you have in mind the tires of cars with alloy wheels, the same thing ... the desire for so here they are ......

we decided to wrap the box but not to mount directly on the shoe .. so today when he returns to school .... dam ..... surprise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

beautiful true ...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JADE

mom and dad and Valerio


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