Monday, March 14, 2011

How Much Will It Cost To Scan My Bulldog


Finally finished I post the photos as I promised you

silly that I forgot to photograph the back
next time ......
hello to all

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Debt Mutual Funds Vs Ppf


heartfelt thanks to all friends who are worried about me I'm fine
fortunately I had no hangover ..... so clever and enlisted ......
this morning I went to the hairdresser to fix some of the square shaved head ... all right from
'm busy this afternoon to accompany jade I'll post after the provincial Photos apparel completed
thanks again to all
an affectionate hug luisa

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Slogans For Dental Hygiene Posters

Review taken from the site, and BIT

Victims forever Barbara Benedetelli

vittime per sempre Vittime per sempre di Barbara Benedetelli E 'released by the publisher Aliberti volume for Victims always, the television journalist and author Barbara Benedettelli .
Usually when I read the word victim, take one step back: I am always afraid of finding myself in front of television or books or articles that offer a look of mock pity on the stories they tell and instead aim to attract readers and spectators with grisly details or close- very disrespectful of people.
It is not the case with this book, which also makes use of the valuable introduction by Rita by the Church. In Victims forever , Barbara Benedettelli leads us into a severe reflection on the care which the state reserves on the one hand to the victims, including this term also the family of those killed, and the other murderers.
The author never makes the game easy lynching. Search instead of further exploring, in a manner understandable to all, the discourse of justice. Report by the news stories we know, the comments of family members of victims (which expression will give a new meaning), those of experts and a series of notes on Italian legislation.

A reflection rather than the current since the number of murders in Italy is impressive (not to mention the women killed in recent months), as it finally begins to talk about the families of the victims as victims themselves. A speech that affects all, a book to read and discuss together, because as things stand now we are all potential victims .

Test E71 Front Camera


I would love to see in this reform which also includes changes to certain articles of the Constitution, adding a paragraph to Article .111 fair trial, which renders the process Just for the victims of violence. Especially when this violence is devastating. A necessary step in civilization, also provided by numerous Raccomandazion of the European Court.

Corriere read: " In the draft, it is also planned, as an addition Article 113 of the Constitution (if approved will become the 113 a), that "in cases of wrongful imprisonment and other unwarranted restriction of personal freedom, the law governing the civil liability of magistrates'."

Minister's Alfano, tell me that the text that will present tomorrow, there is also a 113 db where you can read something like "The law regulates the civil or criminal liability of judges in cases of intent or gross negligence when freedom of an early guilty, or a prize in freedom, social danger of underestimating the individual who has already committed serious acts against the person, helps to ensure that that individual commit further serious crimes such as rape, torture, kidnapping and murder. "

Dear Minister, please tell me you've thought ...

Barbara Benedettelli

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Full Lengeth Bangbrothes

Official presentation

Tonight at 18 in the Conference room at the Palazzo Reale, Milan, Barbara has Benedettelli Victims Forever. The meeting will be moderated by Dr. Stephen Di Martino - Vice President of the Municipal Council. And the psychiatrist involved criminolgo Massimo Picozzi, the lawyer Domenico Musicco and some family members of victims.

Transporting Winddurf Honda Civic


you I have many things,
was a hit and run but we've been in this fair is so beautiful
chock-full of ideas, those materials, how many new fabrics that color
I must say that although much smaller than I liked but missed the creative sewing embroidery
has filled my eyes and my head of things to do, I bought
stoffine so nice, of trimmings, buttons and charms that I will show later
I did not even have a picture but looking through here and there in your blog I looked at your
thanks you are very brave, take pictures astonishing
hello luisa

What Is Duofem Contraceptive

Valerio drummer

With this post I wanted to catch up since I have two children and speaks little
Valerio if I show you some pictures of concerts they have done in recent months are good
, rock music is not among my favorites but what you want when you play them often go
to listen to because despite the fact that almost all adults, parents are happy that we support them
the group is called the icebreakers Valerio and plays drums
have also composed their music
if you go on my space you can also listen to 4 songs that they composed and recorded
are guys who spend a lot of time to try to play ... play .... play .....
is their passion and I hope that we are now continuing
utmost to do a rehearsal room in our house will not say it comes to sound-absorbing panels,
carpet, lights, sounds, I do not understand to much but happy with them ... ...... glad I
In short we are in constant turmoil with
Jade Valerie skating with the music my husband and I certainly do not get bored of the Jade
always hovers around the house trying spins and jumps
Valerio always with the drumsticks and guitar in hand if you hear tapping sound you hear is because in addition to school you go to school battery electric guitar so there's plenty
perhaps a little bored I leave you now

hello luisa

What If Women Bottomless


Hello to first of all best wishes to all women bloggerine,
is some that are absent from the blog, the aftermath of the fall have already been forgotten and then
I started working to make the costume for Jade in view of the provincials on Saturday March 12
I photographed some phases of work, I must say that I knew how I started but did not know where I came so it was the first time with a dress' carving.
Not long ago I posted a video blog on youtube a couple of dance is from there that we took inspiration for the dress
I cut the comedian with the two white lycra fabric and tulle in the same nude model front and back

after which I basted, and tried to see some changes to make and

where I designed to be sewn and carved

and after the zig zig dense thick of the reasons I cut with holy patience not to cut the tulle and naked
'I tried and I cheered because it was beginning to take shape

so I sewed all the parts with the cut and paste I put the rubber band in the armholes of para transparent ;
and neck because you do not remove it and when putting Smolle After that I started the embroidery that I'll post in
is almost over missing only a few touches here and there and attack the chiffon skirt that I made with which I have an edge with the thick dense zig-zag movement of waves to give
you look at the next episode to show you finished
Jade is very proud of her dress and even her single, I hope that all goes well because this time has undertaken a lot of kisses

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nipples Big On My Dog

Killing a person is to delete an entire world. A world full of people from that time and sentenced to life in pain. Victims. Once and for all. Let's help Also not to be victims too.

"You're right, Barbara, when the title of this book, reference to the victims, adding:" Forever. " This is the one who is gone and so are the others who remain, in spite of themselves. Who have a severe pain inside that never goes away. As a daughter I would like him to do a rewind back to my life "that" the minute that I was devastated. And to know, finally, who and why. Without rebates, however, because the pain of our "family members of victims of any type of illegal" and without rebates "

(Rita by the Church)