Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Give Vote Of Thanks At A Wedding


Now at last, that my dignity as a woman, a mother, a daughter, a human being is questioned. Now yes, that would be worth every drop of our country in every square with tears in his eyes, saying, "I suffer for you Yara. And for Sarah, Tommy, and every life stolen. Tattered. Broken. Broken. taken by force of those who believe - because can believe - that his right of freedom is even before that of any other human being, to live.
Now yes, that would be worth to be united and excited by observing a plaza full of men , women and children who together call attention to the only thing that really matters. Because without life there is nothing, not even freedom.
Where is that place? I have long looked for in recent years, without ever finding. Yet what could be more unworthy of deaths like this? What's more important that really worth fight?
violent death. Death of another wonderful creature. An illegal sentence, authoritarian, sentenced to one or more human beings whose life, even though they themselves do not give a damn.
Now yes, outraged and scream that we must open our eyes to the pain that was caused by this latest, bloody end. Now yes, we should, we all scream together, "Enough! You can not kill. Those who do pay. You pay a fair price, however, to what he has stolen, why is not true that life is priceless . Ce has it. It's called freedom. And this also has to learn it justice. "


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