Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Victorian-style Wrapping Paper

oooooo .... that hit !!!!!

hello to all girls ....... was just a few days ago that they were the mothers
considerations on falls and I'm on time ... I have fallen in many years that I was going I did
in the pool Monday night I slipped on the wet floor and was a tumble by way of comedy, even if the result does nothing to laugh, head injury and hurt his back ......... I must say that the emergency Rescue
were very nice, I just gave him an idiot because I had already told me, have played down a little because I was shaking like a leaf with fear and evil.
However now I can tell, I'm better head has stopped beating and back pain is improving thanks to some anti-inflammatory, while I rest a little bit even if they are already at work, I allow myself some time to relax browsing in your blog, you always make me the company of beautiful post
hello to all thanks be


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